Sex Addiction Therapy
Are You Looking To Get Help For Sex Or Porn Addiction?
Have you been struggling with compulsive sexual behavior or excessive porn watching? Is your habit starting to interfere with your relationship or marriage?Are you experiencing guilt, shame, depression, or anxiety as a result?
Maybe you’re not sure if your habit qualifies as an addiction, but as time has gone on, it’s begun to take up more and more space in your life. Perhaps you’re in a committed relationship and your partner has found out about your behavior. You might be worried that they won’t forgive you or that you’ll never win back their trust. For the first time, maybe you’re asking yourself if it’s time to seek counseling for sex addiction.
If You’re Reading This Page, You May Be At An Ultimatum With Your Behavior
Let’s face it: there was probably a time when you convinced yourself that you could “compartmentalize” your porn-watching or extramarital activity. You told yourself: “I’ll keep this separate from my marriage, and never the two shall meet.” Yet eventually, there came a day when doing so just wasn’t possible anymore. You were caught—and soon enough your partner, friends, and family all knew what was going on.
Now, you may find yourself at an ultimatum with your behavior—your relationship is at the crossroads and it’s unclear if the betrayal is too great for your partner to overcome.
If this is the case, I’m here to tell you that you’re in the right place. You’ve made mistakes, but you’re here because you’re determined to leave them in the past and forge a new chapter. And as a therapist with over two decades of experience helping people work through sex and porn addiction, I’m confident that I can help you begin that new chapter and live a freer and more vibrant life.
Addiction To Porn And Sexual Compulsivity Is Widespread In Today’s World
Ever since 2006, when the first iPhone was introduced, the vast majority of us are walking around with the complete encyclopedia of all the porn that has ever existed. Unlike previous generations, virtually all of our sexual fantasies lie at the tip of our fingers. No more need for discretely sneaking out to adult entertainment stores—now everything is just a google search away.
What’s more, we are inundated with sexual material from TV, billboards, print media, and especially social media. Little wonder, then, that so many people suffer from various sex addictions in today’s world. Porn is so ubiquitous that the question is rarely ever “Do you watch porn?” anymore—instead, it’s “How much are you watching?”
Our Culture Doesn’t Take Sex Addictions Seriously Enough
In spite of how ubiquitous porn is, there isn’t much in the way of accountability. Lots of people—in particular men—suffer in silence, ashamed to seek help and unsure of where to turn. Part of the problem is that sex addictions often aren’t taken very seriously in our culture, at least not compared to drug abuse and alcoholism.In reality, however, sex addictions are just as serious as other addictions when you consider the consequences they can have on a person’s life. That’s why it’s important to be proactive and seek support—you deserve to experience healing, and you don’t have to continue fighting this battle alone.
Therapy Can Help You Find Relief From Sex Addiction
Recovery is difficult but doable. I have lots of experience helping people who struggle with sexual addictions and I’m here to tell you that you can absolutely put this behind you. The fact that you’re reading this page shows that you’re taking the bold first step of acknowledging that you messed up and want to change. So it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work, creating an action plan for achieving and maintaining sobriety.I work with both married and single folks trying to overcome sex addiction, and my therapy services are open to those struggling with pornography, extramarital affairs, and various compulsive sexual behaviors getting in the way of their best lives. So no matter what issues you’re currently facing, I would be honored to help you find the path toward an addiction-free life.
What To Expect In Sex Addiction Therapy Sessions
I use a two-tiered approach to help people suffering from sexual addictions. The first step is understanding, mitigating, and managing the addictive behavior, and the next is exploring the root causes of it. The long-term goal of sobriety can be reached through this process of increasing your self-awareness and gaining new tools for curbing negative behavior.I draw from a wide range of strategies to help clients work through sex addictions, using mindfulness to help them regulate difficult emotions, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help them challenge negative beliefs, Narrative Therapy to help them rewrite their life stories in a more empowering light, and Internal Family Systems (IFS) to help them heal the wounded parts of themselves.
Additionally, I like to integrate a journaling technique called “dialoguing” into my therapeutic work. Through dialoguing, you’ll learn to talk to different parts of yourself directly so that you can separate the core of who you are from the parts that are interfering with your best life (e.g., maybe there’s a part that tells you to engage in compulsive sexual behavior to deal with stress).
Ultimately, whether you’re dealing with sexual challenges alone or in the context of a relationship, I believe that my compassionate and comprehensive approach can give you the support you need to get through this.
You May Have Some Questions About Sex Addiction Therapy…
How do I know that I’m addicted?
This is a very common question to ask, and the answer is probably different for every person. The most important things to ask yourself are: 1) Is this a problem in my life? and 2) Do I want to stop? If the answers are yes and yes, then it’s worth seeking help. Besides, if your habit is getting in the way of your marriage or relationship, wouldn’t you rather try and get it under control instead of letting it fester?I’ve tried therapy before and it didn’t work.
What if I can’t afford sex addiction therapy?
It’s Time To Get Well